The Thuja Green Giant quickly gives you a lush, rich privacy screen (3-5 feet per year once established). - Drought tolerant - Disease & insect resistant - Easy to grow & very adaptable You can block out neighbors while taking very little yard space. Thuja Green Giants grow in a uniform shape and height. You get that classic French Renaissance look without having to prune or shear.
This is a tough tree. Resists ice and snow damage. Grows in almost any soil, even sandy loam or heavy clays. Prefers direct sunlight, but also does well in partial shade.
The Thuja Green Giant is the perfect fast growing evergreen for a privacy hedge or wind screen. Plant one every 5-6 feet and they quickly create a dense barrier.
True Thuja Green Giants are hybrids grown from branch cuttings, not seed. They need to grow below the ground before they can grow above the ground.
The Thuja Green Giant is the perfect fast growing evergreen for a privacy hedge or wind screen. Plant one every 5-6 feet and they quickly create a dense barrier.